A.O. C.entral C.command
After picking up from Episode 1, The Agency Operative emerges with a new album Episode 2 – Agent on a Mission. Throughout his career, the agency operative has gone through a series of transformation to reach this point as a hip hop artist. From writing in a journal to writing rhymes. The Agency Operative went from playing trumpet to being a vocalist.
There was a setback in which AO had to take a hiatus. Not seeing financial success on the first album, the Agency Operative was forced to hold back on setting out more projects. The first project could’ve been the last. The reasons for making another project is AO does not give up so easily. Even though Episode 1 did not reach financial success, the album did give AO a better look on how the music industry works.
Another reason for putting out another project is that the former graduate of TCNJ in 2009 has not seen much change in the economy. The job market is still limited with job opportunities. Not much has changed from the first album in 2011 to the current album in 2015. After graduation AO has only been working for jobs that are temporary and has not been offered a permanent position. AO has decided to take his life in a new direction.
From the beginning AO was going by stage name King Kong. The reason for the name change was due to getting legal rights to the name. King Kong came up with the name “The Agency Operative.” Agency is an acronym (Agent Geared for Emissary to Navigate through Critical Conditions without Yielding). Operative means secret agent. The Agency Operative is the secret agent of The Agency Headquarters. The Agency Headquarters is the name of the label. Just recently, The Agency Operative went into another name change. AO decided to go with the name: A.O. C.entral C.ommand. The reason for another name change was that fans have the option to shorten the name A.O. C.C. or can say the entire name. Another reason for the name change is the name would clarify that I am my own boss. The label was created in 2010 with the first single “So Hot.”
A.O. CC returned on a mission with a new album The name of the album is Episode 2 – Agent on a Mission. The album was released on I-tunes and Google Play on December 11, 2015. As an agent on a mission, the journey will continue to fulfill the mission statement. Regardless of the situation or circumstances, there is a clear decision to continue with the music career by any means.
The current status of A.O. is to continue with the mission. Already putting in 8 years in the game and still going, A.O. strikes back with the third installment to his discography with Episode 3: A Force to be Reckoned With. This project was released on 12/31/2017. Up to date, Episode 3 is the best project that is out. Best quality of mastering that is matched with great melodies makes this album one of the best.
Next step is to drop Episode 4 by the end of the year of 2019. This album will be one of the most intense albums yet. This album will show great songwriting skills that will match the current climate today. This album exploits the hard truths that a lot of artist will not speak about.
In conclusion, the future looks bright for not only A.O. C.C., but with music business in general. The new age of music business opens the doors in which artist can now control their material and not be blackballed by speaking their minds. Artist can not only control their music business, but also open to opportunities without having a mega deal. Not only making music, but we can make merch like shoes, clothes, backpacks, bed sheets, and many more. The sky is the limit with endless opportunities. See you at the next episode.
Hamilton, New Jersey – January 1, 2020 – A.O. C.entral C.ommand is stepping out of the shadows and into the spotlight with his highly anticipated ‘Episode 4: Operation Blackbox.’
An album two years in the making, ‘Episode 4: Operation Blackbox’ has been a lengthy labor of love. Released December 20, 2019, A.O. C.entral C.ommand’s latest album is jam-packed with 15 tracks that represent this talented emcee to the fullest. Songs like “Damsels in Distress,” “Destination Destiny” and his current single “I Apologize” each bring a new story to life and keep the album flowing from start to finish. Especially, “I Apologize” which is his most recent, eye-catching video, out now.
Having known a lot of good and bad in his own life, A.O. C.entral C.ommand put shadows at the core of this album. He noted, “It represents the darkness in the light; when there is light in the darkness you see shadows,” adding, “Shadows represent standing up to our fears in moments of crisis.”
A.O. C.entral C.ommand has been making music for nearly a decade with ‘Episode 4: Operation Blackbox’ being his fourth studio release.
The latest project Episode 5: Agency Agenda will spin the agency under a new cycle. Adding the new agent "Cyclone" to the agency will take the agency to a new direction. After releasing the EP Episode 5: Agency Agenda - Phase One was released in January the follow-up "Phase Two" is set to drop this summer.
Agent Cyclone is ready to stir it up, mix it up, and turn it up this summer. Even with the pandemic, for this project I tend to try to brighten up the mood. Some of the tracks off the new EP gives off a laid back vibe perfect for the summer. with the pandemic is winding down and the weather is starting to warm up, this is the perfect time to release this project.
@aooperationhq Twitter: @TheAgencyHQFacebook: www.facebook.com/AgencyHQ
bsite: https://www.theagencyheadquarter.com
Audiomack: https://audiomack.com/agencyhq
Soundcloud: www.soundcloud.com/agencyhq
#TheAgencyHeadquarters #Episode 5 #AgencyAgenda #Phase 1 #Phase 2 #IndependentMusic
#A.O.C.entralC.ommand#Independentrapper #NewJersey #indierap #musician